RISC-V Atom Development in Docker

Alternative to previous approach, you can also use the provided Dockerfile to build a Docker image containing all the necessary tools to checkout the RISC-V Atom project. As a prerequisite, you must have Docker installed on your system. You can install Docker by following the official Docker guide.

Once you have installed Docker, you can clone the RISC-V Atom repository and build the Docker image as follows.

$ git clone https://github.com/saursin/riscv-atom.git
$ cd riscv-atom                         # switch to riscv-atom directory
$ docker build . -t rvatom-dev          # we'll name this image rvatom-dev

Once the build is finished you should be able to see the image using the following command:

$ docker images
rvatom-dev   latest    a9cab48034fc   24 hours ago   475MB

To run an instance of this docker image (also called container), you can run the following command.

$ docker run -it -v .:/home/riscv-atom rvatom-dev
> Setting environment variables...
*** Welcome to the riscv-atom container! ***

The above command should launch the container and attach to it, and you should have a familiar linux prompt! It will also mount the riscv-atom directory on host machine to /home/riscv-atom directory in the container, and automatically set-up the environment variables for RISC-V Atom development.


Checkout this cheatsheet to learn more about Docker CLI syntax.