


RISC-V Atom is an open-source soft-core processor platform targeted for FPGAs. It is complete hardware prototyping and software development environment based around Atom, which is a 32-bit embedded-class processor based on the RISC-V Instruction Set Architecture (ISA).

Key Highlights

Key highlights of the RISC-V Atom projects are are listed below:

  1. Atom implements RV32IC_Zicsr ISA as defined in the RISC-V unprivileged ISA manual.

  2. Simple 2-stage pipelined architecture, ideal for smaller FPGAs.

  3. Optional support for RISC-V exceptions and interrupts.

  4. Wishbone ready CPU interface.

  5. Interactive RTL simulator - AtomSim.

  6. In-house verification framework - SCAR.

  7. Multiple SoC configurations.

  8. Tiny libc like standard library - Libcatom.

  9. Wide range of example programs.

  10. Open source under MIT License.


To get started, Check out the getting started guide.


Following is list of various components of the RISC-V Atom project.


A simple 32-bit RISC-V processor.

SoC Targets

RISC-V Atom project provides several configurable SoC targets that can be built around the Atom CPU.


AtomSim is the interactive RTL simulator for RISC-V Atom SoCs.


SCAR (Search, Compile Assert, and Run) is an in-house processor verification framework written in python.