AtomSim Simulation Modes

AtomSim can be run in 2 modes, normal and interactive mode.

Normal Mode

In this mode of simulation, no debug information is printed. Optionally user can enable printing of UART traffic to stdout using --enable-uart-dump / -u CLI option while invoking atomsim. Using --verbose / -v flag shows additional useful information. Checkout AtomSim CLI Argument Reference for information on CLI options.

$ atomsim sw/examples/banner/banner.elf -v
   ___  __             _____
  / _ |/ /____  __ _  / __(_)_ _
 / __ / __/ _ \/  ' \_\ \/ /  ' \
/_/ |_\__/\___/_/_/_/___/_/_/_/_/  v2.2
soctarget: hydrogensoc
Initializing ram
Initialization complete!
EBreak hit at 0x2000007c

Debug/Interactive Mode

Debug/Interactive mode of AtomSim presents a console interface to the user, allowing them to interact with the simulation in real-time. The console is similar to the GDB console and inherits many features from it like stepping, breakpoints etc.

To invoke AtomSim in interactive debug mode, invoke atomsim with --debug / -d flag.

   ___  __             _____
  / _ |/ /____  __ _  / __(_)_ _
 / __ / __/ _ \/  ' \_\ \/ /  ' \
/_/ |_\__/\___/_/_/_/___/_/_/_/_/  v2.2
[         1] PC: 0x00000000, IR: 0x00000013, _

As shown above, AtomSim will display the current cycle count, PC value, Instruction Register value and its disassembly respectively. To see register file contents, users can use the info / i command in the AtomSim console.

Alternatively, If invoked with both --debug / -d and --verbose / -v CLI options, AtomSim presents a more verbose interface with register file contents in each cycle.

   ___  __             ____
  / _ |/ /____  __ _  / __(_)_ _
 / __ / __/ _ \/  ' \_\ \/ /  ' \
/_/ |_\__/\___/_/_/_/___/_/_/_/_/  v2.2
soctarget: hydrogensoc
Initializing ram
Initialization complete!
┌─[         1]─────────────────────────────────────────────┐
│ PC: 0x00000000    PC_f: 0x00010000     (    +65536   )   │
│ IR: 0x00000013    _                                      │
  x0  (zero) : 0x00000000    x16 (a6)   : 0x00000000
  x1  (ra)   : 0x00000000    x17 (a7)   : 0x00000000
  x2  (sp)   : 0x00000000    x18 (s2)   : 0x00000000
  x3  (gp)   : 0x00000000    x19 (s3)   : 0x00000000
  x4  (tp)   : 0x00000000    x20 (s4)   : 0x00000000
  x5  (t0)   : 0x00000000    x21 (s5)   : 0x00000000
  x6  (t1)   : 0x00000000    x22 (s6)   : 0x00000000
  x7  (t2)   : 0x00000000    x23 (s7)   : 0x00000000
  x8  (s0/fp): 0x00000000    x24 (s8)   : 0x00000000
  x9  (s1)   : 0x00000000    x25 (s9)   : 0x00000000
  x10 (a0)   : 0x00000000    x26 (s10)  : 0x00000000
  x11 (a1)   : 0x00000000    x27 (s11)  : 0x00000000
  x12 (a2)   : 0x00000000    x28 (t3)   : 0x00000000
  x13 (a3)   : 0x00000000    x29 (t4)   : 0x00000000
  x14 (a4)   : 0x00000000    x30 (t5)   : 0x00000000
  x15 (a5)   : 0x00000000    x31 (t6)   : 0x00000000

Try the help command to checkout the commands available in AtomSim console.

Tips for using AtomSim in interactive mode

  • If simulation is run in normal mode, pressing ctrl + c returns AtomSim to interactive mode and pressing ctrl + c in interactive mode terminates the simulation.

  • AtomSim has shorter aliases for most of the command names which can be seen in command help.

  • AtomSim console is based on the linux readline library which allows user to press up / down arrow keys to cycle between previously entered commands.

  • If user presses enter without entering a command, AtomSim executes the last executed command.

  • When entering numeric values in console such as addresses, users can specify in decimal, hexadecimal (by prefixing the value with 0x), or binary (by prefixng the value with 0b).

  • Register names can be specified as physical register names (x0, x1, x2 …) or their ABI names (zero, ra, sp…)

  • Some of effects of CLI arguments can be overridden in the AtomSim console, like enabling/disabling trace, verbosity etc.

  • Lastly, refer to the help command to find most up-to-date information related to the AtomSim console.